passing time
books for sale
  • Merlin's voyage
    Merlin's voyage
    by Emmanuelle A Buecher-Hall

    in English

  • Le voyage de Merlin (French Edition)
    Le voyage de Merlin (French Edition)
    by Emmanuelle A Buecher-Hall

    en français

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Something earthy

Clea is building her entrepreneurial skills! She initiated a project at school and formed a team with two other friends to try to have a greener school. They would like to use all the green waste to make some compost for the little veggie garden next to the school. They advertised a fundraising bake stall and proudly sold cakes two weeks ago. They raised an amazing amount of more than $600!

Today Clea and Greg went to a compost and worm farm workshop to learn all the trick and tips about composting properly. It is odd to go to such a workshop when we don’t have a garden but she came back enthusiastic and ready to continue her project.


Our World record holder

We also have our record holder on board Merlin! Felix participated with 2894 other students to the largest practical science lesson and they broke the Guiness world record! Well done!!


Use of the pointy shoes

Victor and Clea had a bouldering competition yesterday (a fun practice for the state competition in 2 weeks) and finished repectively 1st and 2nd. Did the pointy shoes do some magic?

As if it wasn't enough after 6 hours at the climbing gym yesterday, they went climbing again but to the Glass House Mountains that time.

Now, it is time for their shoes to breath some fresh air for a couple of days!

As for me, my mid-year break is finished. It went too fast. Off course I didn't do all the things I was hoping to do but I really appreciated this free time. I am going back to university tomorrow. Four more units to go! I might retreat to my studying cave for a couple of months and be less present on the blog but will try to come out from time to time to keep you updated.

In the meantime, our beautiful sunrises are still here to give us a morning lift.


Pointy shoes

While he was on holidays, Victor worked hard to earn extra pocket money. He was also dreaming of new fancy climbing shoes. Today, he could go and buy them. It is his first big expense (yes they are VERY fancy shoes). As a parent, seeing him so proud of them and himself is quite rewarding.


Notre semainier

Il y a des matins pleins d’espoir et de promesses,

des matins où tout est possible,

des matins où l’on croit que le monde tourne rond.

Lundi 11 juillet

Mardi 12 juillet

Mercredi 13 juillet

Jeudi 14 juillet

Et puis il y a des matins, comme ce matin, où le ciel est si bas que le monde en a perdu ses couleurs.

Vendredi 15 juillet

Hier soir, avec un peu d’avance sur la France, nous chantions la Marseillaise et j’expliquais aux enfants quelques bases de la Révolution. Malheureusement, ce matin, alors que la France finissait ses feux d'artifices, j'ai expliqué l'horreur de l'actualité. J’aimerai, en ce triste jour, où  l’incomprehensible a encore frappé mon pays et en particulier la ville de mes années étudiantes, ne cesser de croire à notre belle devise. Je continuerai à la répéter à mes enfants pour qu’eux aussi puissent être fiers de ces trois mots, si simples mais forts, qui illustrent la France, dont ils sont aussi citoyens. Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité, trois mots qui donnent l'impression que tout est possible et que nous vivons dans un monde qui tourne rond.