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  • Merlin's voyage
    Merlin's voyage
    by Emmanuelle A Buecher-Hall

    in English

  • Le voyage de Merlin (French Edition)
    Le voyage de Merlin (French Edition)
    by Emmanuelle A Buecher-Hall

    en français

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Our busy weekend

It started with Clea, bright and early Saturday morning. She was so excited with participating in the bouldering Nationals that she woke up just before 5:30am. She prepared her perfect competitor’s breakfast: an egg and an orange. She had to do 7 climbs, some were easy, and others brought frustration. She had two hours to do as much as she could. She spent about 30min trying to complete one specifically difficult climb. She tried 22 times, to finally reach the bonus point but unfortunately not the top. She finished 10th overall and was very happy with her competition. She also showed exceptionally good team spirit and we are so proud of her achievement, after only 7 months of climbing.

Sunday was Felix’s day. Prior to Sunday, he skipped some holidays late morning and woke up really early to start playing clarinet at 7:30am with another hundred children. Few weeks ago he was selected to participate in SHEP 2016 (State Honours Ensemble Program), a state music camp. More than 900 young musicians from Queensland were meeting for 4 days at the Conservatorium to intensely play some challenging new pieces and learn about music reading and ensemble playing. His Sunday concert was impressive and an amazing grand finale. He was there, on stage with his clarinet, in the middle of all these other young passionate musicians, concentrated but with a beautiful smile and happy to perform in a full concert hall.


Today was Victor’s day. He also participated in the bouldering Nationals. His category was the biggest of all with very impressive spiders – oh sorry climbers, from all over Australia and few from New Zealand. They had only 5 challenges to do in 2 hours. These challenges were quite tricky and complex. Only one climber reached the top on all 5. Victor finished 14 overall and he is happy with his results.

Tonight, we are very proud parents! 


Long-overdue post

As I was frantically finishing all my assignments I didn’t really find the time to post regular news.Over the weekends, I was mostly hiding in an office, where I could read and write efficiently without asking everybody to stay quiet and still for hours and hours. All my assessments are now submitted and I am waiting for my marks. My next 6-week practical experience will start in a few days and I am really looking forward to apply my newly learnt theory and be in a classroom (even if at the same time this is a little terrifying too).

As spring settles, life on the Brisbane River is offering great views and amazing opportunities for us to be proud of our young crew in many different ways.

Felix participated in a State music competition with his school clarinet ensemble. They proudly finished 2nd. He was also rewarded as the most valuable player in his chess team. Humble, he would add that it was only team F. He has now a new goal for next chess season!

Clea was selected amongst hundreds of young musicians from Brisbane to take part in a 3-day music camp. That gave her a great boost for her flute practice.

Few weeks ago, Victor blew his 16 candles in one go. He has grown even taller and is touching the ceiling in some spots!

End of August Greg had the pleasure of spending some quality time with his brothers who came to Brisbane for 10 days.

Malcolm was competing at the Worlds Iron Man and Peter didn’t need another excuse to book his flight to join him. Malcolm had some supporters to cheer him up along the way but the three brothers could spend precious time chatting and being together.

Well done Malcolm for your amazing effort and finishing just after 5h.

Thanks Malcolm and Peter for visiting us!


Hawaii visit

I had a work conference in Hawaii in the middle of July. This included my first helicopter trip to Jurasik Park and a quad bike ride in the hills. 

I took a few extra days so I could scuba dive and visit Pearl Harbour. The 30m dive was on an aeroplane in crystal clear water. A great experience for the first time in Hawaii!



And in between all these activities and a work trip to Hawai and then another one to Canada for Greg (stay tuned!), we also had a happy birthday boy on board! He had to wait a little for his party which he organised today.



Colourful blocks along the walls

Victor and Clea participated in the Queensland bouldering competition yesterday. Some of the challenges they had to do were quite tricky and required good problem-solving skills. However, what amazes me the most is their determination (I wonder if this is a genetic character?!)

They ended up respectively 7th and 4th and we are waiting to see if they are both selected for the Nationals next month.