passing time
books for sale
  • Merlin's voyage
    Merlin's voyage
    by Emmanuelle A Buecher-Hall

    in English

  • Le voyage de Merlin (French Edition)
    Le voyage de Merlin (French Edition)
    by Emmanuelle A Buecher-Hall

    en français

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Les vacances des enfants se poursuivent en douceur et nous retrouvons nos anciennes habitudes. Pour tenter d’occuper les avides lecteurs du bord, de nouveaux livres ont ete cherches (j’ai deja le presentiment qu’il va falloir retourner a la bibliotheque sous peu).  L’apres midi s’est poursuivie avec deux expositions. La premiere regroupait des travaux d’artistes du Detroit de Torres, entre l’Australie et le Nouvelle Guinee. Les habitant de ces iles sont un peu les oublies d’Australie. Les oeuvres d’art presentees reflent la vie simple de ces iles, l’importance de la culture orale et des danses, de la mer et du ciel.

Puis apres tant de couleur, nous avons plonge dans l’univers noir et blanc de Cartier Bresson. Cette expo de photos, prises lors de ses nombreux voyages, a vraiment impressionne Felix qui ,24h apres est encore sous le choc des images.


It was time…

Spring has sprung and it was time to get away and see a flat horizon again. So early Saturday morning, we enjoyed the sun rising above the city. We headed out the river while Felix went to the top of the mast to clean the main sail track. No wind and few hours of motoring took us to the North of Moreton Island where we spent the afternoon and night. The kids found their marks on the beach in 2 sec, digging, running, not noticing the time flying away...while Greg was doing some TLC to Merlin’s hulls. A beautiful sunset made a perfect backdrop for our 1st evening at sea for a too long time.

We reached Flinders Reef early Sunday. Apparently this reef has the highest number of coral species of any sub tropical reef system along Australia's east coast. The water was so clear and blue around us again.. We jumped in (with our wetsuits as the sea temperature was “only” 20 deg C!) and enjoyed schools of fish, turtles swimming close by and yes a high diversity of corals.

We even saw the splash of a whale before we left. We spent the next 2 days at our usual spot off the big dunes of Moreton Island. Always so beautiful and peaceful.

We had fun taking all the toys out again, running and sliding down the dunes and enjoying a drink at sunset. On Tuesday morning, the wind pick up and the sails went up. Felix steered proudly Merlin (with smooth hulls again) back to the river.

Perfect weather. flat seas, lots of sea life (turtles, dolphins, great corals, amazing bird life), clear water and LOADS of fun were the ideal combination for this great escape. (more photos in "Australia - Spring escape")


My new pets

Clea : « I brought back some silk worms from school. They eat a lot”.

10 days later: they are so much bigger and eat even more. We have to rush to school to fetch some mulberry leaves every couple of days (and yes the kids are on holidays!)


Du lever au coucher

Toute une journee pour celebrer + plein de cadeaux a decouvrir + encore des gateaux pour s’empiffrer = un Victor heureux en ce 12 septembre ( des parents qui se souviennt d’il y a 11 ans).


Fun under the sun

The equation of the week-end was very basic and enjoyable: food and friends. The oven worked overtime and “delivered” 5 yummy cakes. The extra heat warmed up the salon helping us to survive the chilly mornings. 

It was a relief to see a perfectly blue sky on Saturday after the storm we had on Friday as Victor invited some friends to celebrate his birthday at the park. Soccer (kids against dads), cricket and plane building brought lots of smiles.