We, Emmanuelle and the kids, are back for a few days from our French holidays. Moving a lot during these 6 weeks, we visited family and friends on the East and West sides of France. It was always so nice to meet up with everybody … the French way of course which means around good food and wine.
Victor, Felix and Clea really loved their time spent playing and laughing with their cousins. Firstly with their 3 French cousins, Melissa, Romane and Carmen, then with their South African/British cousins, Max and Rebecca, who flew from London to see us in Royan. They even had the privilege to have their 2 grand mothers around together. What a special treat! They found the sea so much colder and less clear than the island water they were used to these last 2 years. However, they played with the same energy and enthusiasm in the waves or on the beach. We did a lot, trying to show them what France was about. They (re)discovered what land life could be.
It is easy to imagine the emotions every time I was meeting up with family and old friends not seen for at least 4 years. I enjoyed speaking French from breakfast to bed time, enjoyed the fresh baguettes and all the delicious cheeses (I came back with few extra kilos and not only in my suitcase). It was great to stroll again in the old streets of Strasbourg or Paris, going back to well known places and simply feeling at home.
We can now officially say we’ve been around the world … unfortunately we cheated for the last 1/3 using planes. But it was so nice to have done it! Thanks to all who made these holidays so special and unforgettable.
(Photos in the gallery)