passing time
books for sale
  • Merlin's voyage
    Merlin's voyage
    by Emmanuelle A Buecher-Hall

    in English

  • Le voyage de Merlin (French Edition)
    Le voyage de Merlin (French Edition)
    by Emmanuelle A Buecher-Hall

    en français

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La P’tite Gazette de Dockside

International: Afin de le remercier pour ses services inestimables (et peut-etre ses  tres nombreuses heures supplementaires), notre responsable financier prefere s’est vu attribuer un petit voyage dans la ville du lion. Nous revoici donc a additioner des mauvais points vis-à-vis de notre empreinte carbone annnuelle, mais Greg etait bien content vendredi de partir pour sa petite escapade asiatique a Singapoure.

G4: grand sommet d’interet ou complot organise? En tout cas, ca pianote dur a bord.

Meteo: pluie, pluie et repluie.Rares eclaircies, alors aux lumieres magiques. Les temperatures sont a nouveau au dessus des 20 degres C, mais que d’eau pour une saison qui est supposee etre seche.

Local: La delegation francaise s’est paree de ses rayures pour se ballader au “French Festival”. Ambiance bon enfant et sympa malgre des clichés qui persistent (croissants et baguettes -a $4 tout de meme, accordeon et un nombre impressionant de berets!).


The Merlins reunited again!

I am back from France for few days already and I am trying to get rid of my jet lag.  I really enjoyed my free time with no young crew, no homework, activities and meals to organise, no deck to clean and no water tank to fill up. I had long strolls in Paris streets, browsing around and lifting my head admiring all these historical (and less historical) buildings.

I was drooling in front of the bakeries, dreaming in the book shops and amazed by all the people who were speaking French! Then I went to Alsace. For Father’s day, my half-sisters and I surprised our Dad with a good dinner. I enjoyed the peace of the close vineyards and the calm village life in Orschwhir.

Followed an amazing culinary experience in La Cote d’Or (a 3 stars Michelin restaurant) in Bourgogne.There, I was also introduced to golf by Pascal my now new step father.

I went for runs in the countryside to try to eliminate all the extra calories (who can say no to good cheeses, bread and wine?).

However, my warmhearted time with my family was the best of all. It ended with a beautiful wedding full of emotions.

(more photos in the galery - check those titled June 2012 under French holidays)

The kids are going back to school tomorrow after their 2 week winter break and we will be back to our familiar Brisbane routine.


Tooth fairy where are you?

Victor had 4 pre-molars removed as his "adult sibblings" were missing. Quite dramatic but all went fine. Few days after that he is still enjoying a special diet of yogurt, porridge and ice-cream


Une expérience époustouflante

Lors de mon petit séjour dans le Morvan, j'ai eu l'honneur d'être invitée à la "cantine" du coin de Pascal et Mamouss, qui n'est autre que le Relais Bernard Loiseau ( Trois étoiles au Michelin tout de meme la cantine! Comme Pascal est un fidèle ami de la maison, l'accueil est plus que personnalisé, chaleureux et convivial. J'ai même eu droit à une petite visite privilégiée des cuisines.
Pour vous faire saliver, voici le menu concocté par le chef Patrick Bertron:
Après champagne et amuses bouche, escalope de foie gras chaud de canard aux pêches
Sandre à la peau croustillante et fondue d’échalote, sauce au vin rouge
Selle d'agneau des Pyrénées truffée, carré rôti au naturel, carottes des sables et moelleux de polenta, millefeuille d'artichaut et abats, jus au thym citron

Chariot de fromages
Elégant parfait de fraises des bois au jus de Shiso rouge en talon aiguille (on ne peut plus élégant dessert - voir photo).
Il s'agit à chaque fois d'une petite œuvre d'art qui arrive dans l'assiette. Au plaisir visuel qui titille déjà les papilles se rajoute une danse de parfums subtiles et variés qui tourbillonnent sans se dérober. On devine et on imagine. Puis l'on goute, curieux de découvrir ces saveurs mystérieuses. C'est un festival de gouts et de surprises magiques. Chaque bouchée est un fondant plaisir qui appelle à recommencer l'expérience savoureuse. c'est sans décrire les vins qui se marient à merveille avec chaque bouchée...
Quel délice! (photos des plats dans "French Holydays "La Cote d'Or - June 2012")


Life goes on, on the Brisbane river 

A third of June is already gone and I haven’t posted any news. Everything is going well on board and in fact, our life might seem very similar to any landlubber. We had few medical hiccups for Clea and myself, but we both feel fine again. This week-end was a 3-day week-end as Australia also celebrates the Queen jubilee. We had a boat visit on Saturday so used our now good practice to clear and clean Merlin again. We wanted to go back to the bay but the rain and cold weather were pretty uninviting so we stayed at Dockside, enjoying our heater and the warmth from the oven where cakes and pizzas were baking. The kids played computer games, Victor invented a new “Hunger games” Lego game, we watched some movies and we had tea with friends.  

My bag is packed as I am going to France tomorrow for 3 weeks, leaving behind kids and hubby who keeps telling me that everything will be fine. Our invaluable temporary crew, Mamouss, is getting married, which is more than a good reason to go back home.

The kids or Greg might feel like posting some news again soon, otherwise, dear reader, you’ll have to be patient for some updates.