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  • Merlin's voyage
    Merlin's voyage
    by Emmanuelle A Buecher-Hall

    in English

  • Le voyage de Merlin (French Edition)
    Le voyage de Merlin (French Edition)
    by Emmanuelle A Buecher-Hall

    en français

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Quotes of the week

Clea and Felix are sticking little notes around the boat. Here are two. So let's spread lots of love and music around us...


Racing again (from Gregory)

Had a great weekend of racing the VX One. First day was light 3-8 knots, but the second day was 20-25 knots. Our top speed was over 18 knots. It was lots of fun even though we weren't in the front. We just need to work on our boat handling a little, like me finding the toe strap after a tack would help!

Photo: courtesy of the Adventures of a Sailor girl. Have a look at her website for more photos of Day 1 and 2 of the XV one Midwinter series.


Music in the air

Once in a while Felix goes busking in South Bank, Brisbane's main touristic spot. The sky was grey, it was windy but we went, hoping people would also take a stroll on this cold (ish) Sunday.

It is the first time I went with him and I was amazed by his courage. His favorite spot is right next to the craft market, where so so many people walk pass. Concentrated on his tunes, he played for about an hour, from time to time having a short chat with a curious listener.

After counting his money (quite subtantial), he looked at me with a big smile and said "ok, business done!"




After a little break (I will write about that later), we're back on line and with some sporty news. 

Victor and Clea qualified for the climbing Nationals, a 1st for a Hall. There might be some climbing blood on my side as my grand'father was an avid climber as well as my dad. But hey, the Nationals and in Australia! We are very proud supporters of these two rock spiders.

For the last few weeks, Victor and Clea have been training even harder and they will represent Queensland next week in Sydney - so stay tune.

Clea is here wearing proudly her Queensland colours

Victor is here training with an extra 10kg on his back.


Busy weeks

Time flies and we've been busy. This week end is just a typical example of our schedule.

Clea and Victor had a climbing competition on Saturday. In 1h, they had to climb the most metres, going up and down as many times as they could and adding the distances climbed. Clea arrived 3rd and Victor 2nd, bringing back home their 1st climbing medals.

Greg went camping with Felix, Clea and some scouts the next day, enjoying our second long week-end in a row (photos to come).

Victor and I stayed to study. Since I started my course, I’ve been working every day sometimes quite long hours. I’ve been offered a temporary office that I mainly use on week-ends. It is very close, very practical and overall it's been really great to have this extra space to spread out my books and notes  without packing back everything at the end of the day.

We still take time to enjoy the river life. As the sun rises later and later, we thought summer was gone but it came back again with its heat and even few clouds giving us beautiful skies.

We all appreciate the serenity the sky is offereing us during these busy times.