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How to be a hero on board (for short passages)

As soon as you have your sea legs, become the queen of the galley.

Day 1: bake some fresh bread for breakfast. Serve warm with Nutella.

Day 2: prepare some delicious crepes. The "classic" stays on Merlin the favorite (sugar+cinnamon+lemon juice)

Day 3: brave the heat and prepare some lasagnas - ask some help from the skipper as it makes the dish a real team work and will taste even better.

Day 3: The skipper being confident enough bakes some cookies

Day 4: Offer chicken or pizza for dinner ...knowing that you have 3 hours of mixing, rising and baking as the pizza is always the winner.

However, Clever Clea asked for a "chicken pizza"

Important rule: try to plan right and arrive on day 5 as you'll be exhausted from all this cooking.

18deg 39S - 167 deg 43W - ETA at Niue: Wed around lunch time

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Reader Comments (1)

Brilliant - we do not even provide that service on land!

July 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPeter
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