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Out again but not quite offshore

We left the city yesterday after filling up with some duty free diesel and doing our last shopping. We sailed only 4 nm – Clea was at the helm for 2 of them.

We took a mooring buoy at Ilot Maitre. We woke up this morning to flat crystal clear blue water and went for a snorkel. Quite short as we all found the water too cold for us…even if it was 23 deg. However, we saw a crayfish, an eel, some colorful corals and lots of gelatinous zooplankton.

As the weather doesn’t seem to improve, we might check out for few more days more of New Caledonia’s anchorages.

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Reader Comments (2)

Bravo, Cléa...tu as l'air très concentrée!
Bibis de ta Mamouss en Vendée pour quelques jours.

November 1, 2010 | Unregistered Commentermamouss

you don't know the name of the stripped sweater or is eel the scientifiq name ?,i think i met greg when he bought the one month internet card in a newspaper tobacco shop own by a blue dressed lady last sunday,she told him to come back later because she was waiting to be delivered,if you need a mototaxi to make your clearance don't hesitate to call me 975292

November 1, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterjean marie zumbiehl
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