Out again but not quite offshore
Sunday, October 31, 2010 at 10:28AM
Admin in the english journal

We left the city yesterday after filling up with some duty free diesel and doing our last shopping. We sailed only 4 nm – Clea was at the helm for 2 of them.

We took a mooring buoy at Ilot Maitre. We woke up this morning to flat crystal clear blue water and went for a snorkel. Quite short as we all found the water too cold for us…even if it was 23 deg. However, we saw a crayfish, an eel, some colorful corals and lots of gelatinous zooplankton.

As the weather doesn’t seem to improve, we might check out for few more days more of New Caledonia’s anchorages.

Article originally appeared on Merlin's Voyage (http://www.merlinsvoyage.net/).
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