On the move again

We are on the move again. We left Forteleza three and a half days ago and have already covered over 690NM. Fir the first two days we did over 400NM which for us is fast. The winds have been between about 15 and 20 knots all the time, mainly from the side so this makes for fast sailing. Even at night when we reduce sail we still do about 8 knots.
We have been very fortunate with the doldrums as we have not found them yet. Hope fully we will get through without too much motoring. The sea swell picked up a bit today with a large swell from the north and the East so it looks like the weather might be changing soon.
Our days are quite different on this leg as Emmanuelle and I are needing to sleep a lot more during the day as there are only the two of us for the night watches.
The kids are doing well although I think that they need some means of loosing some energy other than testing their parents. Clea is becoming a master at her puzzles and the boys are now explorers after seeming a documentary on rafting down the Nile (thanks Mike). Victor has taken up viewing the stars so we now hope for cloudless evenings so we can try to identify some more stars (Good news for Dad).
Our current position is 3 deg 48,57'N and 47 deg 11,37'W.