All the best for 2009

Happy New Year to all of you ... from the doldrums which means NO wind - except when some squals arrive.
We just entered the transition zone between northern and southern Hemispheres and our speed is only 4 knt. However, we had a good squal 1/2h earlier: it helped rinsed Merlin which was really salty, but pushed our speed to 10knt. It was our fisrt big rain since we left Cape Town.
A big tanker crossed our way (or is it us who crossed her way) and we called them with the VHS to ask them the weather forcast: "the weather is fine" dixit the radio! What can be a fine weather for a tanker which does between 16 and 20knt in anycase! Anyway, we wished them Happy New Year and it was nice to speak to someone else.
We had a little reception with presents for Neptune as we passed the Equator last night.
The kids don't understand all these maritime traditions, but they will have their certificat and they will be proud of it latter in their life (..we hope!)
Also bake some more breads: quite something to bake some bread when it is 33 deg outside but the dough does rise very well.
As a New Year dinner, we had pizzas and a great luxury on a sailing yacht: ICE CREAM for desert!
As we are all feeling much better, school should start again in a day or two - slowly as the teacher is also busy with her watches.
Our position is 1deg 36N 44deg 44 W ...and the wind is back pusing us back to 9knt!!!
Fair winds for those leaving for the Cape to Salvador race in 2 days.
All the best wishes for 2009!