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  • Merlin's voyage
    Merlin's voyage
    by Emmanuelle A Buecher-Hall

    in English

  • Le voyage de Merlin (French Edition)
    Le voyage de Merlin (French Edition)
    by Emmanuelle A Buecher-Hall

    en français

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Entries by Admin (821)


Australia Day!

Most of the symbols of the country were represented today: sun, flag, barbeque and sausages! This 4/4 with the huge BBQ at the back was quite representative!

We joined the locals at the park to celebrate Australia Day, enjoyed free pancakes and rides on the merry-go-round. After 2 hours of intense baking, we cooled down, playing with the hose pipe (so great to have unlimited fresh water!)

Being a Wednesday, it is also racing day in Manly. Greg couldn’t resist and jumped on a catamaran to join the fun.


Comme un air de vacances

Les embuches se succedent sur ce chemin australien. Alors en ce samedi bien ensoleille, pour oublier un peu les difficutes quotidiennes, nous avons decide de bien en profiter. Depuis plusieurs jours deja Felix navigue avec Miaou et devient de plus en plus confiant. Il s’aventure de plus en plus loin ...Et c’est a 8h ce matin, quand le vent n’etait encore que sous les 20 nds, qu’il est parti explorer la marina.

Victor et Clea preferent jouer a une autre echelle et ce sont "Boatie" et "Mini-Merlin" qui etaient de sortie pour regater entre les pontons.

Petit tour au parc ou les petits mousses se transforment en singes habiles. Jeux a bord ensuite : "Cochon qui rit","Uno"  et "Cluedo". pour finir, bien en retard (mais il vaut mieux tard que jamais), et sous un climat qui ne si prete pas,  nous avons deguste notre galette des rois (oui a la frangipane – miam !) et fete notre reine a tous !


Hot on board

In the heat moment, I baked a cake only latter to find that I baked the bread knife as well!

The cake was still delicious!



We are enjoying out stay at our smart marina. Even the name is smart: Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron  ! The good points about being here are:

The kids can jump ashore whenever they want. They also appreciate the lawn 2 min away from our jetty where they can throw their balls and run.

The showers are double and spacious which is great (eg Victor loves hot, Felix loves cold).

We are enjoying unlimited use of water and electricity, which is a strange feeling for us after so much time at anchor. So the washing machine is doing extra hours and Merlin is sparkling clean.

And we have a sea view!

Thanks again everybody for your concerns and kind emails regarding the floods. We are fine and hope that the river subsides soon and that Queensland finds its way to recovery as soon as possible.


Special day

Clea: "Happy birthday Mommy!"