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  • Merlin's voyage
    Merlin's voyage
    by Emmanuelle A Buecher-Hall

    in English

  • Le voyage de Merlin (French Edition)
    Le voyage de Merlin (French Edition)
    by Emmanuelle A Buecher-Hall

    en français

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Entries by Admin (821)


Time for some cultural fun

We took advantage of a break in the rain and went to the Gallery of Modern Art of Brisbane to discover the exhibition about art in the XXIs. What a great interactive museum! The kids had so much fun with the Lego structure which filled the table.

We also all picked up a wish from the wish wall

Victor’s: "I wish wishes could come true"

Felix’s: "I wish I had a collection of rocks and coins"

Clea’s: "I wish to see dinosaurs"

And it goes on and on with great art on 3 levels... we will definitely go back (high request from the kids)  

(more photos from our visit under Australia – GoMa in the photo gallery)

And it goes on and on with great art .. we will definitely go back (high request from the kids)  


Rain, rain, go away, come again another day...

Alors qu’en France ce decembre 2010 est le plus froid depuis 40 ans, nous avons a Brisbane le decembre le plus pluvieux depuis 70 ans !

Y’a plus d’saisons mes pauv’ gens! …Et dire que la cote s’appelle ici “the Sunshine coast”, ils rigolent, ouai!  Vous aurez compris qu’il pleut, pleut et repleut. Impressionnant. Nous n’avons pas eu autant de pluie depuis notre dernier hiver au Cap. On resiste encore a la mutinerie a bord mais pour combien de temps? Les enfants deviennent impatients.

Alors entre 2 averses, nous avons tente notre chance pour que les garcons essaient enfin comme il faut leur cadeau : Victor son skate et Felix son appareil photo !


Off he goes

To try to find a jacket to suit our skipper/businessman, we ventured yesterday to the city center as it was the famous Boxing Day sales! Wow! What a jungle it was! We haven't seen so many people in the shops, ever. We even had to queue to take the escalators! ...but we found a black jacket at a good price!


Another simple one on board

Felix and his Christmas tree:

+ A good wine and a good meal:

+ Some presents off course:

= good time together



We wish you all a merry happy jolly Christmas!

Third one on Merlin for us and sill the same excitement. Lots of love from all the crew to all our readers.