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    Merlin's voyage
    by Emmanuelle A Buecher-Hall

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    Le voyage de Merlin (French Edition)
    by Emmanuelle A Buecher-Hall

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8pm (local time) 5deg 23.157N – 80deg 28.570W

After our great speed yesterday we didn’t do much today. We are approaching the doldrums and the winds are less than 10 knt since this morning. The spinnaker was up all day, allowing us to sail (without using the motors) at about 4-5knt. Slowly but surely. We played Monopoly and Felix battled right to the end (against Greg the Capitalist) with a very strategic game. He also won a Clue party earlier. Long and slow sailing means lots of games and happy crew.


Friday 01:21 GMT

We left Panama City on Thursday morning after solving all the technical problems and having done all the necessary shopping to survive 3 months at sea. We were impatient to lift the anchor and go. We stopped shortly at Mogo Mogo (one of the islands of Las Perlas – where Survivor was filmed).

We wanted originally to stay there for few days. However there was a short weather window which was good for the sail down to the Galapagos. Nika (our Australian friends) convinced us to go with them. So since this morning, we are 10 miles behind them, having VHF contacts every couple of hours, checking/comparing conditions. As the 2 skippers (John and Greg) were racers, this leg might become a family regatta to the Galapagos (about 900nm away). We couldn’t dream better start.

So now it is your turn to imagine: big sun, blue sky, flat(ish) seas, good winds (between 15 and 25knt) from the right angle so the spinnaker was out until tonight, about 20 dolphins playing with Merlin’s waves for hours, some flying rays, one fish caught and lots of happiness to have left for our new adventure to the Galapagos.

Greg’s very happy to be sailing again in such conditions. That’s added to all the surprises he had for his birthday.


Vendredi 01:21 GMT 

7deg 27N – 79 deg 23W

Nous avons quitte Panama City jeudi matin. Tous les problemes techniques ont ete regles, les courses ont ete achevees, et il nous tardait de lever l’ancre. Petite escale a Mogo Mogo (Archipel des Perlas). Escale prevue de quelques jours. Toutefois une petite fenetre meteo permettait de repartir direction les Galapagos. Un bateau copain, Nika, partant ce matin nous a convaincu de les suivre. Depuis nous naviguons derriere eux a 10 miles, nous nous appelons a la VHF regulierement, comparant les conditions et les vitesses. Comme les deux skippers sont d’anciens regattiers, la traversee risque de se changer en course au large familiale entre Nika et Merlin.

Nous ne pouvions rever meilleur depart. Alors a votre tour d’imaginer: grand soleil, ciel bleu, mer belle a peu agitee (du moins jusqu’a la sortie du Golfe de Panama), bon vent (entre 15 et 25 nds) et de bonne direction pour avancer jusqu’a la tombee de la nuit sous spi, une vingtaine de dauphins jouant avec l’etrave de Merlin, des vols de raies impressionnants, un poisson peche et un grand bonheur d’etre partis, ensemble pour cette nouvelle aventure vers les Galapagos.

Tout cela ne fait qu’agrandir le sourire de Greg, deja jusqu’aux oreilles du a son anniversaire.


Hoping to get there

Updates on the preparations: 4 of our 10 batteries are not good anymore, we had them tested by professionals with their big load tester. We need to find some replacement ones, but when you don’t speak Spanish and when you have very specific batteries this is a hard game to play. The new AIS is working. So now, other boats can see us and our details (eg direction, speed). The list of things to do doesn’t get any shorter: there is a service for the two motors to do, some hull cleaning, some batteries finding, a new sea water pump to buy and fit, some more oil to buy for the out board. The issue which frustrates us the most is the new dinghy. The retailer (Marinewarehouse) doesn’t want to be responsible for the problem and we are stuck with it not knowing if the guarantee will work if we ask someone else to fix it. This will take few more phone calls (in the States and Columbia) to try to find a solution.

We arrived yesterday in Taboga, a small island opposite Panama City (only 7 miles away). Very remote, much cleaner waters and less less boats around us. Nice break from the town and the crowded anchorage of La Playita. Also Dylan (ex South African and now sail maker) leaves on the island and came to fix our main sail which was chafing against the side stays. As it was his mother’s birthday today, we all went to lunch in a small local restaurant. We all had a really good time, chatting about SA and cruising. We then moved on the other side of the island, which is completely remote and quiet: exactly the conditions we need to relax, even if it is only for one night from the busy time in Panama


On the day to day news side: Clea fell in the water at the dinghy dock on Friday while climbing onto the dock. Anne-Dominique jumped in the water to rescue her, with her backpack on her back (and her wallet and cell phone inside). Emmanuelle went for a simple dental check up and came nearly 5 hours latter with great teeth but a much lighter wallet. We socialized this week end: had Pickles on board, went to Archibald and then Nika for drinks. We might end up as happy alcoholics.


Still in Panama City and still getting ready

Huge meat shop yesterday. We need now to go to the local market and fillup with fresh food. This will be the last minute shop. Greg is still busy with the new AIS, the new dinghy which leaks!), the new batteries and all these little this and that. The days go very quickly and we haven't seen much of Panama City (except the big supermarket). More before we go...