passing time
books for sale
  • Merlin's voyage
    Merlin's voyage
    by Emmanuelle A Buecher-Hall

    in English

  • Le voyage de Merlin (French Edition)
    Le voyage de Merlin (French Edition)
    by Emmanuelle A Buecher-Hall

    en français

contact us

Aux premieres loges

Petite regate dans la baie ou nous sommes. Joli spectacle au coucher du soleil (ici arrivee des premiers bateaux sous tres petit vent).

Grace a leur nouveau jeu informatique de course au large, les garcons passent des heures a expliquer a Clea les mysteres du vent, des reglages de voiles, de l’avantage d’avoir une quille ou d’etre sur un multicoque. Elle semble bien plus receptive que quand je tente de lui faire decouvrir les secrets de l’alphabet !  


The joys of city life

We have unlimited internet for a month – the 1st time since we left Cape Town. Slow but good enough for skype! Will try to catch up with family and friends.


Le poete

Felix: "Merlin enchante le ciel avec tout son rouge"


Cooking up a storm

Before the quarantine visit Emmanuelle cooked (nearly) all our frozen meat supplies. The large pressure cooker was put to good use. We discovered that we really need to eat lots of meat between now and Australia (= cons of a big freezer!)

Anyone interested to come for dinner?


Back to the city

We arrived in Noumea few days ago and are rushing around to have an Internet connection which could work from the boat (to post all these ice photos of ours to tempt you), a phone, find out about boat stuff and at last getting the school books for Felix and Clea.

Nothing is simple and brings us some frustrations as we would like everything to be done quicker. However we are anchored in a nice bay, enjoying great sunsets every night, and were amazed by the huge number of boats here going pleasure sailing during the week-end. May be a place for staying for a while?