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Week end away for the kids

1 week end

2 camps

3 scouts

Very early start for Clea who is going on her first camp. She was so excited and happy that she didn't sleep much the night before.

Victor and Felix had a 2 day hike at Bribie Island, carrying tents, foods, etc.

They came back all very dirty, bushed but so happy.

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Reader Comments (2)

Tu as de petits yeux Cléa !!!!
Bravo à vous trois.
Bibis de votre Mamours.

June 3, 2015 | Unregistered Commentermamouss

Tu as de petits yeux Cléa !!!!
Bravo à vous trois.
Bibis de votre Mamours.

June 3, 2015 | Unregistered Commentermamouss
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