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    Merlin's voyage
    by Emmanuelle A Buecher-Hall

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    by Emmanuelle A Buecher-Hall

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Boys away

On Wednesday, Gregory left for Vancouver for two weeks, mostly for work but some touring and friends visiting is also planned.

Victor and Felix spent the last few days to have their backpacks ready for their big scouts hike. This time they have to carry everything themselves (food, gas cooker, tent, clothes etc. ) and walk for a minimum of 15km in the forest. The recommendation was “not more than 20% of your body weight to carry”. Being more on the light side, this can appear like a real challenge for our boys. Felix just made it, and Victor had an extra 2 kg but his super backpack should make these kilos easy to carry. They left early this morning, super excited, without any concern regarding the rain and cold weather forecasted.

Early start (6:45am)

Final packing

Checking the weight

Ready but most of all happy to go - Bye Mum!

Clea and myself are enjoying a special girlish week-end. We started with a visit to the market where we bought some sugar cane to remind us of the Caribbean islands and some big pomelos nearly as sweet as the delicious “pamplemouses” from French Polynesia.

Then we went to see a movie. Tonight we are having one hull each. Luxury!

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  • Response
    Response: lqopbOTs
    Girls only  - the merlin log - Merlin's Voyage
  • Response
    Response: tHAzjtIM
    Girls only  - the merlin log - Merlin's Voyage