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Easter long week end (Moreton and Peel Islands)

4 days off + good (enough) weather + cruising friends wanted to join us = enough reasons to go out in the bay, shake Merlin's sails and have loads of fun.

Our French cruising neighbours and friends, Kappa and Singa, are leaving Dockside so we decided to meet in the bay and enjoy being anchored all together.

The kids came on board for few games before we left (Merlin seems to be a very child friendly boat).

Victor and Felix had a dive refresher course. The sandy bottom wasn't as appealing as some Pacific reefs but they enjoyed counting the fish and observing the crabs eating other dead crabs. Clea had her first try breathing off Greg's DV. It seems she will be hooked too! (note the wet suits even if the water is 25deg!)

We had fun again on the dunes, enjoyed the sun, and it was even better to be there with some friends.

We left the dunes Sunday afternoon as the wind was turning and anchored at Peel Island. Greg didn't wait long to take the spinnaker out of its locker and woosh we went!

This morning, we picked up all our little friends and went ashore. The kids had a "shelter building" competition and enjoyed their last hours together (... as the skippers it seems).

It was great being out, great being with cruising friends (we went back to some cruising routine even without thinking of it), great to have this time off and great to be flying our spinnaker again!

We are docked "home" again with sparkling eyes, sand in our hair, and a smile on our face!

Hope you all had a erfect Easter Week-end!

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