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SotW = Student of the Week (4H class at New Farm School)

From Felix's class blog (wrote by Mr Hughes his teacher)

"This week's SotW is awarded to someone who consistently puts in a top effort to homework and classwork, as well as showing initiative and helping others in the classroom when he has finished his work early. This was highlighted this week - while waiting for his laptop to load, he walked around the class asking any of the students whether they needed help with their work. Felix, excellent job this week - a deserve recipient of the SotW!"

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Reader Comments (2)

Bravo à toi Félix. Je suis fière de toi. Bibis de ta Mamouss.

August 12, 2012 | Unregistered Commentermamouss

Well done Felix! Those are some very special words!

August 12, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterPeter
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