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Saturday activities

Greg went with Victor and Felix to an environmental scout camp. They came back with lots of ecological stories to tell. They learnt about the local fauna and flora and about global warming. Felix came back with some extraordinary leaves used by the aboriginals as sand paper, amazingly strong and rough.

The girls did some pink jobs as cleaning, laundry and cooking!!! However, we also went to the market. Clea wasn’t too sure of riding her bike so far as it was an unknown path for her on the other side of the river. She did great even on the slopes (that she calls “dunes”).

Some awaiting rain rinsed Merlin (no scrubbing duty tomorrow) and reminded us we were on a boat and our “windows” were opening directly to the rain. We fund a new use for the hairdryer we have on board. It is usually used more as a tool by Greg to expand pipes during some plumbing exercises – but not having to save our batteries, it worked really well so Felix could have a dry bed tonight.

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Reader Comments (1)

Oh la la !!!Cela me rappelle des souvenirs...mais avec de l'eau de mer !
Bibis de Mamouss.

November 1, 2012 | Unregistered Commentermamouss
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