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    Merlin's voyage
    by Emmanuelle A Buecher-Hall

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    Le voyage de Merlin (French Edition)
    by Emmanuelle A Buecher-Hall

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Where do you come from?

This is such a common question we’ve been asked regularly. However, it s not so easy to answer and our replies are all different:

Greg, straight away: “I come from Cape Town”

Emmanuelle after a smile and few seconds of silence: “I am French, but I lived 11 years in South Africa, then we travelled for two years and now we are in Australia”

Victor, very proud: “I am South African but my mum is French”

Felix, always happy to start a conversation: “I am from South Africa, from Cape Town”. He will explain latter that he lives on a boat and that he has been cruising around the world.  

Clea, with her big eyes opened: “???”. She really has no idea where she comes from as she spent ½ of her life travelling through more than 20 countries.

We could elaborate as we come from our experiences, encounters, travels, loves and our roots seem to always be important, where ever they are.  

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