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Travel bug

Renewing our Australian visas by staying here: 5 X $250

Renewing our Australian visas by flying to New Zealand: 5 X $330

So we decided to continue our travel discoveries by visiting North Island from next week. This welcoming break in our job hunt will also be our first time away from Merlin since we left South Africa. We are all looking forward experiencing some land life again and meeting Greg’s cousins in Auckland.

Ideas of spots to see?

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Reader Comments (1)

Hello again! We have just booked our tickets for NZ north island in April. The places we have been recommended to see with kids are the hot water beaches - Coromandel peninsula, Bay of Islands, Rotorua - geothermal acitivity, Waitomo glow worm caves. Waiheke island just of Auckland is a fun day trip too. have fun!
Cheers Emma

January 30, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterEmma
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