Kings Bay, Tobago

After spending 4 days in Scarborough (Capital of Tobago) we sailed again (only 2 hours) to reach the calmness of a pretty little bay. We stayed 6 days in Kings Bay, enjoying being on our own ...with only one fishing boat as neighbor (but what a nice name that boat had!).
There is nothing – or very little – around Kings Bay, only a tiny restaurant where we celebrated again Emmanuelle’s 40th .
We were swimming everyday. The boys were trying to fish. We did some good schooling. We rested very well. We needed it after all the craziness of the preparation before our departure and the Atlantic crossing.
However, after nearly a week of complete peace we decided to move on and discover more of Tobago and try to meet with other boats. We set sail and went around Tobago, leaving Liitle Tobago on our starboard side.