Flying fish

We are back on the sea again heading for Ascension island. We left yesterday morning and have had some resonable winds from behind resulting in us being about 150NM from St Helene. Ascension is about 700NM so we should be there in about 5 days.
We are all finding our sea legs again as the sea is a little bumpy compared to the anchorage. Our wind direction and speed instrument got some water in it at the top of the mast so we are sailing on the windex and boatspeed for windspeed. Because of this at night we put in a few more reefs. Our current wind is switching a lot so it keeps us on our toes.
Emmanuelle baked bread this morning and the kids were up at 5:15 so life is getting back to normal!!
Our current position is 14deg 09.0'S and 7deg 42.5'W.
The first flying fish landed on our boat last night, much to the delight of the kids.