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  • Merlin's voyage
    Merlin's voyage
    by Emmanuelle A Buecher-Hall

    in English

  • Le voyage de Merlin (French Edition)
    Le voyage de Merlin (French Edition)
    by Emmanuelle A Buecher-Hall

    en français

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Week end away for the kids

1 week end

2 camps

3 scouts

Very early start for Clea who is going on her first camp. She was so excited and happy that she didn't sleep much the night before.

Victor and Felix had a 2 day hike at Bribie Island, carrying tents, foods, etc.

They came back all very dirty, bushed but so happy.


Ms Rusty

Once upon a time, there was a beloved ketch...

Today, she is desperately in need of some major TLC ....

Being our new neighbour, we are hoping that no major rust grinding will happen here




Few simple shots taken during my walks along the river. 

And Brisbane from Mt Coot-Tha


Fete des meres decalee

Les dates varient mais les enfants font toujours preuve de la meme imagination. Victo, Felix et Clea m’avaient prepare une pluie de confettis faits maison, des biscuits et de bien jolies cartes.

(de vous affolez pas, comme c'est la fete des meres, ce sont eux qui ont nettoye!)

Happy mother's day to all the mothers around the world!!


From virtual to real

I have few virtual friends with loads in common. Some of them I met on Facebook mainly via two women sailing groups. One is a worldwide group with nearly 5000 members, the other one is an Australian group with nearly 500 members. These groups can provide lots of sailing or cruising information, technical resolutions, cooking ideas, practical solutions and are a good place to have a chat, vent or even promote your work (as my book!). Yesterday, we had our first big Australian meeting. More than 30 ladies and most of their partners (living on board and cruising) from around Brisbane had the pleasure to put a face on a name and chat “for real”. Amazing to see how you can just “click” because you have the sailing bug in common.