passing time
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  • Merlin's voyage
    Merlin's voyage
    by Emmanuelle A Buecher-Hall

    in English

  • Le voyage de Merlin (French Edition)
    Le voyage de Merlin (French Edition)
    by Emmanuelle A Buecher-Hall

    en français

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Entries by Admin (821)


Birthday Party In Grenada

The kids were invited to Tylor's 7th birthday party on the beach. They were really happy to participate in such a social event again. The weather was beautiful and the beach was great. The kids had lots of fun playing cricket, swimming and most of all being with lots of other kids.

Clea loved the food (!)

Victor sprained his foot with a sand board but a good slice of chocolat cake brought his (kind of) smile back.


French lessons

Je viens de donner ma deuxieme lecon de francais!

Mes etudiants sont 2 Canadiens et leurs 2 enfants et 1 Americaine. Ainsi pour les semaines a venir, je vais faire un cours pour les adultes et un pour les enfants le lundi et le jeudi. C'est sympa. Cela me sort un peu du bateau et de la scolarite de mes propres enfants (et donc de cette exigence renforcee qui leur est specialement dediee).

Le but de ces cours est de permettre a d'autres plaisanciers de se debrouiller une fois sur territoire francais. Suffisament pour faire les courses ou essayer de faire reparer quelque chose a bord. Cela permet aussi de presenter la culture francaise (ex bises ou poignee de main?)



14 juillet entre Dean

We were trying to meet Elisabeth (met in Cape Town when we were getting ready) and Laurent, skipper of another Dean (Catamoana).


It wasn’t so easy to organize, but on that very special French day, we all met in Clarkes Court Bay! It was really nice to spend some time together, chat, chat, chat and chat even more.

They gave some apples to the kids. Felix was soooo happy as it is his favorite fruit and he hasn’t had one since we left Brazil.



Vive les BDs

Greg went to the dentist as he had a bad chip off a tooth. It was our first visit to a doctor since we left.

He came back after a stop at the Alliance Française and the boys were happy to have new books to read.


Jungle gym

The boat can be change in a real playground. Today was swinging session.

 Then it was more acrobatic, so the boys put on their helmets and pads!


 Clea was a spectator and was enjoying it.