passing time
books for sale
  • Merlin's voyage
    Merlin's voyage
    by Emmanuelle A Buecher-Hall

    in English

  • Le voyage de Merlin (French Edition)
    Le voyage de Merlin (French Edition)
    by Emmanuelle A Buecher-Hall

    en français

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Cultural visits

We took our bikes (always an expedition when we go riding) to go and visit the botanical gardens and the Hinkler Museum.

The kids enjoyed the great variety of birds of the gardens as well as the iguanas.

Then we discovered who was this famous Bert Hinkler. He was born in Bundaberg and was fascinated by flight. He built some great gliders and broke few aviation record, including the first flight between England and Australia in 1928.


Deux ans - Two years

Deux ans de voyage aujourd'hui. Plus de 20 000mn sans probleme. Des merveilles plein les yeux, des emotions fortes plein les coeurs et des souvenirs pour toujours. L'equipage de Merlin, tres fier, vous salue!

Two years of travelling today. More than 20 000nm without any problems. Our eyes are full of wonders, our hearts full of emotions and we have memories for ever. Greetings from Merlin's proud crew!


Premier week-end australien

Nous sommes sur deux bouees dans la riviere Burnett devant la petite ville bien provinciale de Bundaberg. On s’habitue a ce retour a la civilisation ou tout est possible rapidement (Internet, portable...) et ou les magasins sont bien achalandes. En se balladant, on decouvre les environs.

Le pont:

Les animaux (!!!):

Les barbecues publiques :


In Australia

Pre-quarantine inspection lunch
We've arrived and are tied up at the dock waiting for the quarantine
team to arrive. SO in the meantime we followed the advice of the customs
and marina guys: eat as much as we can, before it gets taken away.

So we started lunch at 10:30 and here is our menu:
1st course: emmental and cracker
2nd course: cucumber
3rd course: naartjie
4th course: green peas (frozen)
5th course: oinions and cornbeef (only for Greg and Victor!)
6th course: blue cheese and bread
7th course: Philadelphia and bread
8th course: meringues
9th course: 3 bags of prunes - but no space!
A more balance diet will be had once we've visited the local shop and


130nm to go

Less than 24h to go on these lumpy seas. Our position on Wed morning
24deg 07S - 154deg 35E. We had a 2knt current against us yesterday,
however, it is with us today and best of all the sun came back.
Felix finished his new card game, strongly inspired by the Monopoly. He
was busy for 3 days coloring and cutting 160 cards.