passing time
books for sale
  • Merlin's voyage
    Merlin's voyage
    by Emmanuelle A Buecher-Hall

    in English

  • Le voyage de Merlin (French Edition)
    Le voyage de Merlin (French Edition)
    by Emmanuelle A Buecher-Hall

    en français

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Week-end apart

This week-end was the family scout week-end away. However, I decided to stay behind and leave Greg and the kids enjoy their camping trip to Noosa. Father bounding is also important. Clea was so excited to be part of a scout adventure that she packed her own bag, without missing anything.

The boys showed some of their new skills learnt over this last year of scouting, cooked and did the dishes for about 40 people (here cooking for dinner and then for breakfast)

Apart from that, they all swam, walked and had a great time. As usual, they came back dirty and moody from their short (and this time cold) nights but very happy from their week-end away.

I enjoyed a quiet time on Merlin, cooking what I like eating (but what the kids don’t like much), watching French movies, listening to my music without being interrupted. Our neighbours offered me their car for the week-end but it was just so nice to have Merlin just for myself and I just walked to my friend for a great “girls only” evening.


Dots versus stripes

When they were younger, one of the favorite books of the kids was "My Mum and Dad Make Me Laugh":

It is a story where Mum likes spots all year round and Dad likes stripes every day of the week.

However, on Merlin we say Mum likes stripes and Dad likes spots:

...and we still make the children laugh!


Mother's day

Some have their marketing ideas right!

For Mother's day, Felix and Clea were inspired and took the slogan on my new running tee-shirt very seriously. I had lots of delicious chocolates and I am now expected to run super fast.

Clea also won a colouring "Mother's day" competition. She spent more than half of her $50 voucher on flowers. Victor went manual and spent few hours sculpting a beautiful wooden eagle.

I was suggesting that we could do Mother's day every day of the year... but nobody agreed!


Reveil trop matinal

Tous les matins, un corbeau vient se percher au haut du mat et crier a tue-tete.

En ce moment, il vient vers 5h30, ce qui est juste un peu trop tot pour reveiller tout le monde. Je me suis inspire du film "Alexandre le bienheureux" pour trouver une solution.

A bord de Merlin, c'est bien plus simple : un petit bout, accroche d'un cote a la drisse de spi, pendouille de l'autre, au dessus de mon lit.

Si la secousse est bonne, l'oiseau s'envolera! Ca ne marche qu'a 80% car il y a des corbeaux coriaces et courageux, mais cela nous offre en general quelques precieuses minutes de sommeil en plus.



Qui l'eut cru que les madeleines etaient tout un art? Avec une amie, nous nous sommes lancees dans la patisserie pour essayer de retrouver cette saveur des gouters d'enfance. On trouve sur le Net toutes sortes de recettes, de techniques et d'astuces pour avoir cette belle bosse, apparement due a un le choc thermique. Ce matin, deuxieme essai. Je n'ai qu'une moindre bosse et pourtant j'ai laisse reposer ma pate au frigo toute la nuit. Mais le gout, la legerete et le moelleux y sont. Miam!