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  • Merlin's voyage
    Merlin's voyage
    by Emmanuelle A Buecher-Hall

    in English

  • Le voyage de Merlin (French Edition)
    Le voyage de Merlin (French Edition)
    by Emmanuelle A Buecher-Hall

    en français

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Felix a 7 ans

Felix s'est reveille a 5h du matin, surexcite par sa journee d'anniversitaire. Petits cadeaux locaux: tee-shirt et 3 pommes. C'est une mission extremement difficile que celle de trouver des cadeaux dans ces iles! Mais Felix est heureux comme un roi.

Puis petite fete sur la plage avec plein de petits copains de bateaux voisins. Sympa de retrouver autant d'enfants a courrir partout sur la plage et a jouer dans l'eau claire. Il y avait meme un autre petit garcon, Salem, qui fetait lui ses 2 ans aujourd'hui. Des ballons, des gateaux, des bonbons et des cadeaux. Felix est vraiment tres heureux de cet anniversaire antillais. (sourires supplementaires dans la galerie photos sous Caribbeans).

Felix a choisi le menu de ce soir: crepes!!! (pensez a nous car faire sauter les crepes avec 32 degres est aussi un exploit).


Third and last race

Today was the last day of the Carriacou Regatta Festival. New race with 4 catamarans.

Todd and his children came to crew with us. We tried our "new" (second hand) spinnaker (bought last week in Grenada). Merlin did really great with that new sail.

We arrived 3rd and a tie for second over all. The kids loved the price giving ceremony!



Sunday of festivities

The Carriacou Regatta Festival is not only an occasion to entertain the bored cruisers during the hurricane season but it is also (and mainly) a regatta for the local boats. They come from all around the Grenadines (Tobago to Bequia) and compete during a few days. We saw them in Tobago and Bequia. It was logical to be in Carriacou for such festivities.

Everybody is in the street, with a HUGE smile. There is loud music, barbecue and lots and lots of people. The streets outside Hillborough were empty and very quiet. The full island was meeting on the beach to cheer their favorite boat. It was logical for us to join the party!

More photos in the photo galery (under Caribean - Carriacou Regatta Festival)


Once a racer, always a racer

Carriacou Regatta Festival

Yesterday was the first of three races. It was a doubled handed (+ children) race around the island. 27 boats were at the starting line, grouped in three classes.

There were 5 catamarans in the multihull class. We came 3rd. It was lots of fun - especially for Greg who is, in fact, steering/tacking/gybing the boat by himslef. It is in his blood and he loves that.

The kids were cheering Merlin and I made sure the crew was well fed.

Today was the second race. We had on board Tara and her kids Kaeli and Tyler (Todd was racing on another boat) from Duende. They experienced sailing on a cat. In fact the kids experienced playing Playmoblies and Gameboy on a flat cat. We were first to cross the start line and arrived second (...out of 2 cats!). It was a beautiful day and Greg had some great fun again! 

And here is Merlin in action


Rain in Tyrrel Bay

Lots of rain + no school + good internet connection = computer day for the kids!

We are hoping that the weather will change for the race around the island tomorrow (more wind and no rain!). Keep posted...