This and that on board

Still no repairs for Merlin. We put a claim in and are now waiting before booking our spot at the boat yard. Still no school books for Victor but we are using old books and are not delaying his year too much. And still no hurricane thankfully!
We had our friends from "Le Goeland" a 54ft cat on board for Christian's birthday. We surprised him with an appropriate cake.
We all went for a short walk today ...and Clea was so happy to see some local animals!
Otherwise, Greg is busy fixing "African Tail", our rubber duck, making a rudder for Miaou, our hard dinghy (a friend lent us a Optimist sail to try). We are trying to work hard on the school side and the kids only complain about the 32 degrees of the classroom. Victor was even doing extra maths this afternoon: sums with really big numbers (is it a premenition for a future job?)