Victor's 1st real scuba dive

Hello everyone!
Did you know that this is my 1st time diving without Dad holding me under the water? I was all by myself with all the diving gear. We saw 2 French Angel fish. It was great!
Hello everyone!
Did you know that this is my 1st time diving without Dad holding me under the water? I was all by myself with all the diving gear. We saw 2 French Angel fish. It was great!
La station de Charlotteville n'avait pas de diesel et comme l'attente dans ces regions peut-etre longue nous sommes descendus au Sud. Superbe navigation: sous spi a faire 7-8 nds. Trop de houle a Plymouth pour pouvoir aller a terre avec notre annexe, donc redepart. A nouveau pas de diesel a Store Bay (la station est en cours de renovations).
Toutefois, nous avons retrouves la-bas nos anciens voisins de ponton du Cap, Exta Sea avec a son bord Mike et Muffy. Tellement sympa de se revoir et de discuter apres presqu'un an.
La houle se calmant nous sommes tout de meme retourner a Plymouth en fin de matinee. Greg et Victor sont en mission diesel: le 1er voyage a ete reussi et notre reservoir s'est engloutit 150 litres (...encore 450 a faire). C'est fastidieux mais 4 fois moins cher qu'ailleurs.
We left Grenada (Prickly Bay) Monday at 5pm:
and arrived in Tobago (Charlotteville) at 11am the next day:
The sail across was quite bumpy and our stomachs had forgotten about sailing in these conditions.
The night was hard for Greg who did most of the sailing.
There was another boat sailing with us …with a guy who was born exactly the same day than Greg. So we kept in touch all night long. It is always nice to have a buddy boat in these conditions.
After a good lunch to restore some strength we all went ashore. The kids were in a rush to go back to the library while we were doing the clearance. In the street, we met a local who recognized Felix and remembered that he was the little one selling drawings in the streets 9 months ago!
Greg will go ashore latter again hoping he’ll be lucky: we came to Tobago to fill up our diesel tank as it is very cheap here (0.30 US cts/liter) but the petrol station had no diesel yesterday.
Hier, Greg est alle aider J Le Goeland pour faire quelques reparations au haut du mat. Les quelques reparations se sont en fait averees etre plus laborieuses que prevues et Greg est reste accroche a plus de 25m de haut pendant plus de 10h. Il est revenu un peu brule par le soleil, affame et courbatu!
Nous devrions quitter Grenade ce soir pour retourner quelques jours a Tobago, y faire le plein de diesel (vraiment pas cher la-bas) et revoir notre voisin de ponton du Cap, ExtaSea. Puis retour a Grenade pour quelques jours en esperant que le Cned de Victor soit enfin arrive. Puis ce sera la reprise des decouvertes vers le Nord.
Fish Friday was instituted after hurricane Ivan to help the fishing community in Gouyave, a little fishing village in the North of Grenada. Every Friday, some local vendors sell fish dish in the streets and music is performed. Locals and tourists meet in a very friendly and happy environment.
We went there with few friends from the anchorage, tasted great and cheap food. The family enjoyed a delicious ice cream to finish the day. The kids were so tired by their evenening and their afternoon spent playing in the water with friends they all fell asleep in the bus driving us back. We always wanted to do that in Grenada and we are happy to have finally done it!