passing time
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  • Merlin's voyage
    Merlin's voyage
    by Emmanuelle A Buecher-Hall

    in English

  • Le voyage de Merlin (French Edition)
    Le voyage de Merlin (French Edition)
    by Emmanuelle A Buecher-Hall

    en français

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Half way

We have reached the half way mark after just 8 days at sea. The wind has increased in the last 24 hours to 20-25 knots, however it is the larger cross swell that is the main reason for reducing sails. Last night we had a few things flying in the boat as we went down a swell. We even had a flying fish land in the saloon, which was a surprise for everyone. The forecasts are for the wind to stay with us for the next few days. Fortunately the wind is forecast to swing more aft which should make it more comfortable and possibly we can get our symetrical spinnaker up.

Our current position is 6deg 41.5'S and 114deg 41.02'W and are roughly still on the rum line.

Everyone is well on board, however the adults are a little tired after the bumpy night last night.Hal



We are making great progress, as we have just under 2 000 NM to go. We have done 980 NM so far. The wind had been a very constant 16 knots out of the SE, so we have been averaging 8 knots and yesterday did just over  200 NM in 24 hours. The current over over 1 knot has helped us. The sea is unfortunately quite bumpy, but one cannot have everyting!

We are all well on board. Felix won the game of monopoly that we finished this morning. Anne-Dominique has done wonders with the food. The boat is doing well with only very minor maintenance issue


Chroniques du Pacifique

Notre position le 17 avril a 21:20 (GMT): 4deg 20.119S 102deg 44.611W

Nous avancons a bonne allure depuis le depart. Nous avons parcouru plus de 750 miles en 4 jours et quelques heures. nous en reste encore 2200!

Le moral de l'equipage est au beau fixe, tout comme la meteo. Les poissons semblent de refuser de modre aux lignes. Nous avons toutefois tous les jours plusieurs poissons volants et petits calamars sur le pont de Merlin.

Les enfants avancent doucement avec leur Cned et ils ont un grand merite car depuis 3 jours la mer est un peu agitee. Mais ils sont motives pour vite faire leurs dernieres evaluations. Notre apres midi va etre consacree a une partie de Monopoly. Les garcons sont super motives pour gagner. Ce temps de mer est aussi un temps de jeux et c'est tant mieux pour tous.


Happy birthday Merlin!

Two years ago Merlin touched the water for he 1st time. Lots of emotions to see our boat floats. Now, we are on our long passage to the Marquises and Merlin is taking us, proudly, safely and quite quickly. We had a birthday celebration on board with a great chocolte cake and 2 candles. Merlin is more than just a boat for us. The seas are much bigger than yesterday and it is rocking on board (even if it is a catamaran). From time to time we also have big waves watering the full cockpit. The winds are great, 15-20knt, and since 24h we are doing between 8 and 9 knt. It is nice to have such a speed.

Our actual position: 03deg 0.530S 96deg 37.298W


En route

Nous avons quitte les Galapagos il y a 24h. Notre avant-derniere nuit au mouillage a ete un peu movementee. En tournant sur notre ancre (le vent avait tourne de 180deg), nous avons fini par toucher a 4h du matin des rochers de lave, puis a nouveau a 5h et 6h. Merlin gardera de cette nuit agitee quelques egratinures. Nous avons ensuite remouiller ailleurs pour avoir une bonne nuit avant le depart.

Maintenant, il faut reprendre nos habitudes de quarts. Les premiers miles furent un peu agites par la forte houle et les bruits d'eau et du bois qui travaille de partout resonnaient fort dans Merlin. Notre position actuelle est 2deg 03.019S 92deg 50.190W. Tout se passe bien a bord. La houle est longue mais l'etat de la mer est assez agreable (pas de mal de mer a bord!).

Le ciel est degage et le soleil deja bien haut et chaud. Nous avons croise des bancs de dauphins et appercu une baleine a l'horizon ce matin. Quel spectacle merveilleux alors que nous degustions du pain perdu. Victor et Felix font un peu de Cned. Nous pensons envoyer les dernieres evaluations des Marquises dans 3 semaines.