A night at sea

our position at 9am: 16deg 59 153 S- 156deg 24 832W
The wind swung just at the end of my first watch which went smoothly. To keep the asymetrical spinnaker working efficiently I had to change the course slightly but after a while we were going too much North. Greg took over at 10pm and I fell asleep in the cockpit, waiting for the skipper's decision to change sail or not. The night started being colder and damper so I woke up cold and went to choose another bed in the salon. After an hour of deep sleep, at 11:50pm, Greg woke me up as it was now time to change spinnaker. We had to go back to our normal course, and sail faster with the right sail. That manoeuvre took about 20 minutes. I had an extra time to sleep and was woken up only at 1:30am. Every thing went well again during that watch.
The moon is nearly full and it is always great to enjoy some light over the sea. Merlin was jumping over the waves at 8-9knt. We were making good progress. I even baked some bread so the rest of the crew could have warm bread for breakfast. Greg took over again. He called me in emergency at 5:50am as the asymetrical spinnaker blew up. So a new manoeuvre, this time under slight rain, we had to catch the 2 pieces of sail (one was having a good swim).
Nights can be exhaustive at sea but it is part of any passages!