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  • Merlin's voyage
    Merlin's voyage
    by Emmanuelle A Buecher-Hall

    in English

  • Le voyage de Merlin (French Edition)
    Le voyage de Merlin (French Edition)
    by Emmanuelle A Buecher-Hall

    en français

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Traditions culinaires (suite)

Chaque annee depuis que Victor est ne nous faisons des "bredele" (petits biscuits alsaciens de Noel). On n'y echape pas, malgre les 30 degres et plus.

1ere fournee: faite avec les capots fermes car un orage a eclate. Chaud a bord!

Apparement une bonne Alsacienne fait au mimimm 10 fournees... je pense que deux suffiront car sous les tropiques on compte differement!

2eme (et derniere fournee)


Time to look around

When you keep your eyes open, surprises can be discovered and you start smiling.


Lego League Nationals 

The 1st day of the school holiday started with a short trip to Sydney for Felix as his robotic team qualified earlier this term for the Nationals. However 3/4 of his 4 member team couldn't make it. A couple of weeks ago, Felix recruited a very motivated and energetic friend who was willing to learn quickly and give a much needed helping hand while keeping his smile.

The two of them did great and presented proudly their project to the judges.

They came back tired but with a beautiful smile and a new Lego trophy. Their robot wasn’t the best, their app wasn’t the most successful but they brought back the “Gracious Professionalism” price which is an amazing recognition of their team spirit and as valuable than the two other categories judged during this competition (but to my heart maybe even more important!)

Here is a description from the Lego League Handbook:

"Gracious Professionalism means teams compete like crazy against challenges but appreciate and treat each other with respect. Your real opponent is the problem you're trying to solve - not any other team or person. Gracious professionals lend a heping hand to an opponent when needed because they want everyone to have a chance to compete. Even when a team wins the competition, they avoid treating anyone like losers.

In the long run, Gracious Professionalism is part of pursuing a meaningful life. You can enjoy personal success while also making a contribution to society. FIRST LEGO league team members will learn that they can succeed while still acting with integrity."

They now have 6 month to work harder on their robot as they qualified for the Indo-Pacific Internationals in July2017!



For the last 8 years we haven't had a Christmas tree on board. So this year, Felix decided to make the perfect one, small enough and foldable. Clea helped decorating it. Et voila!


Ma premiere ceremonie de remise de diplome

C'est une tradition bien anglaise que de celebrer la fin des etudes grace a une ceremonie tres officielle de remise de diplome. A l'avance il faut ainsi commander sa tenue de ceremonie noire et son chapeau carre, puis le jour meme il y a un essayage, une repetition et des instructions tres formelles sur les gestes a faire. N'ayant jamais participe a une telle ceremonie et ayant vraiment travailler intensivement pour ce diplome, Greg voulait que je finisse comme il se doit cette annee universitaire.

J'avoue que c'est tout de meme emouvant de marcher sur la scene pour recevoir son diplome et serrer la main du recteur, de repartir en chageant de cote les petits rubans du petit chapeau (a droite avant, a gauche une fois que l'on a son diplome) et de reflechir quelques instants sur la reussite de cette annee.