passing time
books for sale
  • Merlin's voyage
    Merlin's voyage
    by Emmanuelle A Buecher-Hall

    in English

  • Le voyage de Merlin (French Edition)
    Le voyage de Merlin (French Edition)
    by Emmanuelle A Buecher-Hall

    en français

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Entries by Admin (821)


On savoure!

Quick snap shots of our French holidays. We are enjoying the family, friends and food! More soon…


A little break

The boat is clean and no Lego are to be found, even in the bilges: Merlin is ready for a visit of any potential buyer!

Some meals are waiting in the freezers for our working skipper and our friends promised to take care of Greg and his loneliness during my time away.

Our suitcase is full and after 4 years we are excited to visit France again. May be a little break for the news on the blog…


Une premiere

Voici du nouveau pour les equipiers: leur premier uniforme! Ils sont depuis ce matin inscrits a l’ecole publique de New Farm, de l’autre cote de la riviere (on se demande encore si nous irons en annexe!). Ils feront leur rentree scolaire en milieu d’annee ici a notre retour de France. Sentiments partages: curiosite, retenue, mais aussi joie de se faire (enfin!) de nouveaux copains.

Les nuages font aujourd’hui place a un ciel bleu bienvenu. Nous avons eu hier la journee la plus froide que Brisbane ait connu depuis 95 ans (11 deg mais ressentis comme bien moins a cause d’une bonne brise de SW). Nous avons ressortis nos vieilles chaussettes, gros pulls et allumes les deux radiateurs du bord.


Imminent departure

Merlin became a real paper plane factory, from simple to very complex. The kids then went to try them along the Dockside promenade and timed every glide, the actual record being 9sec!


Party at Dockside Marina

As it was time for a braai also called a barbie, we met with our boaty friend on the jetty. We even brought a special wine for the party in this prime position in the city. We were all chatty and happy. Nice way to end up a week-end, which was even sunny.