passing time
books for sale
  • Merlin's voyage
    Merlin's voyage
    by Emmanuelle A Buecher-Hall

    in English

  • Le voyage de Merlin (French Edition)
    Le voyage de Merlin (French Edition)
    by Emmanuelle A Buecher-Hall

    en français

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Entries by Admin (821)


Knots - why not?

For his birthday, Greg was given a Tope Rope Course so he could go climbing with Victor and could set their own climbing ropes.

His course starts next week end but today he received his pre-course examination book and a piece of rope. Knots are a favorite for him. However, he needs to know about 50 of them- some of which are quite different from sailing knots. So he decided he had better get working.

it might be a long evening!


Endless summer

Sailing or not sailing? That was our question on Saturday morning. Some friends were supposed to join us for a sail in the bay but had to cancel because of a sick child.

We then decided to breath, relax, and enjoy our free time doing not much, playing games and watching a family movie... It is amazing how time flies when you don't do much! However, Merlin got some TLC and we hit the waves this morning as the sea was still calling us.

Who could resist the call of good waves?


C’est quoi ca?

Le gagnant a droit de venir gouter directement a bord!



With our temperatures higher than 30 degrees, flipping our pancakes on Sunday became a laborious tradition to follow. We all know that we like persevering on board – and the results is worth the effort!


Sortie avec les grands

Premiere vraie sortie VTT pour Clea ce week-end. Elle a le look adapte a la bonne humeur et la motivation qu'il faut pour devaler ou grimper de belles pentes avec son velo.

Heureusement que son energie et sa volonte compensent ses petites roues!