passing time
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  • Merlin's voyage
    Merlin's voyage
    by Emmanuelle A Buecher-Hall

    in English

  • Le voyage de Merlin (French Edition)
    Le voyage de Merlin (French Edition)
    by Emmanuelle A Buecher-Hall

    en français

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Arty visit

Whe haven't reached the scary/crazy 47 degres that Sydney had last weekend but our temperatures have been above 30 degres for a while. The museums and their air con rooms are then a great way to spent some time.

Clea and myself went testing this theory this morning. We really liked the series of Australian maps by Noel McKenna at the Queensland Art Gallery. We then had some fun at GOMA, adding our colourful stickers of this lively exhibition illustrating the work of Yayoi Kusama


Balades au vert

Apres le bleu de la baie de Moreton, nous avons vires au vert pour quelques jours. Nous sommes alles explorer la parc national de Conondale et avons retrouves 2 familles d'amis qui y vont regulierement. Forets luxuriantes aux grands eucalyptus, chutes d'eau et cours d'eau clairs et frais, belles marches et de nombreux oiseaux bavards (et un peu trop matinaux!) etaient au programme de ces 4 jours de camping.

Riviere emeraude et bienvenue apres une longue marche dans la chaleur estivale

De beaux paysages ou la nature est reine

Eucalyptus, figuiers sauvages et vegetation dense

Belles balades, certaines avec un beau denivele (tout relatif tout de meme a la geographie locale)

Et bien sur, feu de camp traditionnel avec ses grillades de chamallows! Tout un art!

Ce court sejour fut apaisant, vivifiant et serein. Nos chausures sont brunes de poussieres mais nos batteries sont bien rechargees.


Electricity project (small scale)

Clea had a science project to do at school in December. She had to design a room with some lights. Clea built a bedroom in a box, added nice details and wired all by herself.

Full view of the bedroom

Side view - she loves the crododile clips!

Check the side switch on the wall lighting the buld on the side bed table.

Science logbook on the desk!


A great start

Some good friends came around for a quiet(ish) New Year eve. We had great food, great wine(s) and great company. 20 minutes before midnight, we all jumped in our dinghy and zoomed to where the fireworks were launched. We hooked behing an anchored catamaran and were only 70m away from the barge shooting the fireworks. Amazing prime position!

After 15minutes of show, we motored back to Merlin to share some champagne. It was simple but a great way to start the year.


Colourful holidays

Some more pictures of our short escape to Moreton Bay.

Lots of play time in the dunes.

We discovered an old kite in a locker so we had to try it.

Not too bad!

Discovering the mangroves

Clea is spotting some rays and sharks

When the sun goes down, the rays come out

We were missing this special time at the end of a great day.