Last one
Sunday, October 7, 2018 at 8:27PM
Admin in pensees journalieres, the english journal


We are writing the last few sentences of an amazing, rich and diverse chapter of our lives (more to come about this soon). 

This weekend we went, for the last time, to Moreton Bay with Merlin. We did everything we loved there: climbed the dunes then slid down them again and again; we jumped off the stern and off the bow; we ate everything we love eating at anchor: lasagnas, pizzas, cake, etc.; we played card games at sundowners and were  just happy to be there, together. We had some rain and the sun was shy. However, this weather offered us some playful lights and some flat seas. With our high waterline, we were impressed (once again) by Merlin's performances: 7 knt with less than 9 knt of wind!

We had the privilege of witnessing a whale and her baby breaching and playing in front of us for 30min. That was an amazing way to end this special chapter. We are back at the dock, full of emotions but ready for the next chapter.

Check out Victor's photos below:

On largue les amarres

Leger, Merlin glisse vite

Sur les dunes, on glisse vite aussi:

On admire la baie


Et pour finir les baleines nous font leur petite danse.


Ciao les Merlins!


Article originally appeared on Merlin's Voyage (
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