Lego League (Worlds)
Monday, July 17, 2017 at 10:13PM
Admin in the english journal

As soon as we came back from Bermuda (it was literaly 6 hours later), Felix flew to Sydney to compete to the Lego League Worlds. 

Here is the article he wrote for his school magazine

First Lego League(FLL) 2016/2017. It has been quite a journey. It began roughly a year ago with 5 students who responded to a very brief message in the school notices. This ended up making those 5 students best friends, have a grasp and wide knowledge on robotics, programming, app development and most importantly, how to be a better person. FLL is a annual international competition, which requires teams of 2-10 people to demonstrate three skills. Firstly, teams must design, build and program a Lego EV3 Mindstorms robot to perform a variety of missions on a board in just two and a half minutes. Everything from the motors to the wheels to the robot must be made out of Lego, which at times became a challenge when we built complex contraptions to autonomously complete missions. The second component is creating a solution to a world/national problem which relates to the theme of that season.

For example, this year the theme was Animal Allies, and we created an mobile-app; SwoopAlert!, which is available for download on Google Play and soon on the App Store. The third component is the Core Values. Core values is known as the demonstration of good human values, such as good teamwork, immense enthusiasm and friendly competition. As our team progressed through to the Regionals, then Nationals and then Internationals, it was so amazing to see such amazing robot designs and experience the culture of other countries while still in friendly competition. First Lego League is one of the few competitions in which you learn a lot more than you would imagine to. We encourage as many people to do FLL this season - it will be an awesome experience!

Article originally appeared on Merlin's Voyage (
See website for complete article licensing information.