New battery pack
Monday, March 27, 2017 at 12:58PM

Two weeks ago we started having a lot of rain, enough for some mushrooms to grow full size overnight.

Lots of rain and still 30°C were perfect conditions to give us the impression to permanently be in a sauna. However, we needed some rain as January and February were not only hotter than normal but also drier. After three really wet days, the weather cleared. The river, very still, was only reflecting sporadic clouds and offering us great breakfast views.

Greg thought it was the perfect weather to do a little maintenance like replacing our 8 year old batteries. They were still working fine but this is the kind of work you prefer to do before you really need it. To be able to fit these 8 new Mastervolt batteries, that, of course, have a different shape and size than our previous ones, Greg had to measure very carefully the battery locker and think of the best fit. After few long hours of fiddling and trying few options, in a very "yogastic position", he solved his puzzle and is now very proud of his new set up. Everything fits just perfectly. Really worth the effort!

Article originally appeared on Merlin's Voyage (
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