Before we left, we thought we would listen to lots and lots of music so we got ready for that. We have on board what we call “The Black Box”, which is in fact a multimedia player directly plugged to the TV screen and the audio system (inside/outside). This black box can offer us hours and hours of entertainment and months of uninterrupted music. Nevertheless, we do listen to music only very scarcely. I feel that the space is too small to really appreciate the music. There is always some “noisy” activity around: kids swinging or playing, food cooking, or on the way, the water sloshing through the hulls, the wind singing and the boat working. I was more listening to some music with my Ipod in the cockpit during my night watches, watching the stars, checking the sails and enjoying “my” time.
We haven’t tried all these specials play lists friends did for us. However, from time to time, we have our musical moment where the music is (really!) loud, we all sing and dance. We try all kind of titles unknown to us but we always go to our favorite ones. So here are a few of them, just to share a musical moment and few swirling notes in our/your heads for the rest of the day (by the way, thanks YouTube!)
Rod Stewart:
Ismael Lo:
J’en reviens a la musique… J’ai reveille Victor ce matin en fredonnant machinallement un petit air qu'en fait ma mere me chantait aussi pour me sortir du lit lorsque j’etais petite: “Debout les gars reveillez vous, il va falloir en mettre un coup. Debout les gars reveillez vous on va au bout du monde…” ( Sommes nous tant conditionnes par les refrains de notre enfance? !!!