Felix is playing with the rhymes
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 at 7:48PM
Admin in children's corner

The Menu

I felt hungry

Oh what a pity

I went passed a doorway

Then I heard him say

“Which way?”

It was a poor door like a doorway which was crying.

“What’s the problem? Are you shouting?”

I asked “What! I am not flying or standing?”

Said the doorway “Want to go thru?”

“First, what’s your name?” I asked – “Mu!”

He replied

Like he lied

How could I resist, I was so hungry

Why was Mu crying? May be I was scary?

So I went 10m back and then I was running thru

I was running to a black and red table with a menu

I sat down, looked at the menu then I felt

Something pointy on my head, like a belt

Then I heard him say “Hi or bye, look I can fly!”

High like a pie, my mouth cannot lie neither did I

Lie or say goodbye “said a dancing dog

Hey, do not call me a red log!”

Article originally appeared on Merlin's Voyage (http://www.merlinsvoyage.net/).
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