Rain and drizzle for the last two days in Brisbane.
A good reason to bake few cakes and treat the skipper for his birthday.
The rain wasn’t enough to scare us discovering around Brisbane and enjoying the car we can use during the week-ends. And that time, we had “Darling” with us! Greg’s new toy was nicknamed already. A GPS should in fact be called a GMS for “Global Marriage Saver” as all our drives around always ended up in lots of tensions between the driver and the navigator (it seems -for us- so much easier to navigate at sea!). So, we went to a new “park” for a walk without getting lost and only to discover that it wasn’t a park but a hilly forest. We went for our muddy walk, even with the inadequate shoes: Felix and myself finished bare feet. We then made another discovery, magical this one. The young crew was complaining before we left Merlin but Mother Nature offered them the best remedy for their moaning. Smiles and energy were back. Clea even went for an unwanted swim in the river but didn’t complain for the rest of the walk.
So, magic Mount Coot-tha we’ll come again!