“Why have I taken this job?” thought Jim as he desperately ran away in the dense forest, away from an awfully angry mammoth. He looked back at the enraged animal then straight forwards in any hope to find something or someone that might save him from being squashed. A glim light appeared in front of him: “A village!”. He was relieved. “I am saved”.
Jim sensed a slight movement on his right. Suddenly, an arm shot out and pulled him in deeper bushes. Jim could clearly see the face of a prehistoric boy. He was young and strong, very strong. He had a long stick and cut our rocks for hunting. Apparently, he was on a hunting mission. But his face was full of fear. He was scared of the mammoth…
As an archeologist, Jim had volunteered for testing an untested time machine which was set up for the prehistoric time. He regretted choosing this job because now he was being chased by a very angry mammoth and he was facing an uncivilized kid…
The animal came crashing through the trees towards them. “Oh no!” thought Jim as they hid in a hollow branch. But the animal didn’t mind them and ran towards the village.
Jim and Uluru, as it was the boy’s name, made a bow and some arrows with a flame at the end. They prepared for the big battle to save the village: tiny vs. big and they were really tiny.
They met the animal at the center of the small village. They tested their bows and attacked. It was awful. They had battled for at least an hour and they were running out of arrows quickly. Jim had his bow squashed but Uluru gave him his weapon. With only one arrow left it was their only chance to save the village. The man aimed carefully and shot. The arrow sailed in the air and hit the mammoth square in the heart. It then fell to the ground.
Now it was time for Jim to return to his era and to his family. This meant leaving Uluru behind. He chose to take a souvenir with him. It was the bow and the arrow which was used to kill the mammoth.
“Bye my friend, I shall miss you. But I promise that I will come back” cried Jim. Then he went back to the place where he first crash-landed few days ago, in the middle of the mammoth territory, remembering the awful chase that happened there. This time, the mammoth was dead, so he was safe to pass. Then he heard a strange noise.
“Oh, no, it is the female…”
Jim rushed for his capsule. The mammoth was already stomping towards him. “Aaaaaahhhh!” screamed Jim as he stepped towards the time machine. Then an arrow struck the animal in the neck. Jim looked around and saw Uluru. His friend has just given him a clear path to go back to his era. He jumped in and entered the coordinates for 2011.
As soon as he came back, he remembered his gift. He will always keep it close to him for the rest of his life.
Victor would be really happy to read your comments about his first big story!