Happy birthday Merlin!
Friday, April 16, 2010 at 11:06AM
Admin in the english journal

Two years ago Merlin touched the water for he 1st time. Lots of emotions to see our boat floats. Now, we are on our long passage to the Marquises and Merlin is taking us, proudly, safely and quite quickly. We had a birthday celebration on board with a great chocolte cake and 2 candles. Merlin is more than just a boat for us. The seas are much bigger than yesterday and it is rocking on board (even if it is a catamaran). From time to time we also have big waves watering the full cockpit. The winds are great, 15-20knt, and since 24h we are doing between 8 and 9 knt. It is nice to have such a speed.

Our actual position: 03deg 0.530S 96deg 37.298W

Article originally appeared on Merlin's Voyage (http://www.merlinsvoyage.net/).
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