Still at sea, going slowly but surely
Thursday, March 25, 2010 at 6:57AM
Admin in the english journal

00deg 27.663N - 86deg 40. 527W.

Emmanuelle saw a whale this morning, 30m away from our port side. We are back to motoring as the winds dropped or weren't in the right direction. As our stay in the Galapagos is counted in days we decided to arrive early Friday morning so we are taking our time, not pushing the motors.

We should cross the Equator tonight (in 50nm). Mamouss will have to give something special to Neptune as she is the only one on board who hasn't cross the line.

Live (Thurs 0:50am local time):

The Equator crossing

The next day: the present to Neptune (a very special stone from Las Perlas with a gentle word):

Article originally appeared on Merlin's Voyage (
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